
Made in Grenada 50 years of Calypso

Event Ended

Organizer: Made in Grenada
Event Starts On: 2024-02-11 18:00:00

Made in Grenada 50 years of Calypso

NOTICE: If you're an existing user of, then there is no need to register again. All you need to remember is your login information and proceed to purchase the event of your choice. Please note that this is a Pay Per View event, and as such, restreaming or going live is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Persons found engaging in such acts may subject themselves to having their account reported and subsequently blocked by the respective platform. ie: Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube etc.

Event Date/Time 2024-02-11 18:00:00
Location Grenada National Stadium
Genre Concerts
Organizer Made in Grenada


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